Oct 5, 2010

What have I learned thru my bloging?

As I'm reading through my blog posts I'm wondering if I have learned anything. This class has seemed almost effortless with the material because it seems almost common sense. So have I learned to be a writing consultant? Am I at the point where I can honestly say that through blogging I have learned ...... I just don't know. To me it seems that I have these past couple weeks just writing typing out what was in my head at the time, not really thinking how they all connect together. But do my blogs have a common think besides just being for the same class?

I know I have intentionally written on my dream of becoming a teacher and what I hope this class will provide me in my future classroom. Is that the connection I need to talk about in my blog paper? Or is there something deeper that I have yet to discover? I hope I find the answer soon, since I am running out of time.

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