Oct 5, 2010

Digital Story Interview

Today I FINALLY was able to interview my professor for my Digital Story Project so I can get the rough draft of the script done on time. My professor is from the Education department so some of her points might not be understood by all but I totally understood her. There were some points in the interview that I thought were very interesting, especially in the view of this class. In one instance my professor and I discussed how the audience is such an importance on one's writing. She gave an example that if she had to write about something that she doesn't think any one is going to read then what's the point? Also, that id you don't connect with your audience its hard to write about something and feel confident in your work.

My professor just happens to be a procrastinator like me (hence writing 4 blog posts the day before they are due lol); so I asked her how she is able to complete her work on time, even though she waits till the last minute. Her Response was that even though she waits till the last minute to write her paper all the time beforehand she is thinking about it, synthesizing ideas, pondering over connections, etc. So I guess in a way she formulates an outline of ideas in her head of what she wants to talk about and just in a stream of conscience writes them all down at once.

I found the interview enlightening in some ways knowing that someone else has a similar process to me own. I hope everyone will like my Digital Story.

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