Sep 13, 2010

ESL tutoring

Hi all :) sorry that I haven't done any posts thus far...guess I've been kinda nervous to get started, and am not really sure how this whole blog thing works. Anyways my first blog post I really want to dedicate it to the wonderful ESL student I tutored this last weekend on a hypothetical college essay. This girl (I don't want to say her name so is to keep her privacy) has a lot to say and has a lot of emotion tied to the topic we jointly selected for her essay. She was from Afghanistan and was involved in war at a very young age. Her essay will concentrate on her struggles coming from a society where people believe that women are inferior to men, continuing with her traveling to the United States, and finishing with her decision to go to school and hopefully become a doctor!

Her writing isn't lacking intensity or substance, more her problems lie with organizing her thoughts and putting her experiences on paper. The writing process in this organizational phrase doesn't come easy to her, probably because of the fact that English is not her native tongue, and also because she has had to learn several different languages before coming to the United States. So I can see why writing in English must be hard for her with all those other languages and their alphabets and grammar usages are floating in her head. Hopefully with the encouraging remarks and tips that my partner and I gave her she can come up with a incredible essay by the next time we meet. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great student to work with. I envy your discussions that I am sure you had with her. I bet it was very interesting getting to hear such a different, yet fascinating perspective on life in such a different world. I am sure that she will be able to put her experience into a wonderful essay.
