Nov 30, 2010

How am I doing in this class?

I have to admit I don't think I'm doing very well in this class. I'm the type of person who likes due dates from the start of the semester, I stink at writing blog posts on a regular basis (as you can probably tell), and I'm more of a note taker than speaker in class. I think I've done well on all the assignments that I have turned in thus far, but I am concerned with my over all grade. I do think I did very well on my article review and digital story (even though I talked a little fast in my recording) so hopefully that will make up for some of my lackings. I have although very much enjoyed all of our out of class experiences, which I thought I was going to dread (in the fact that I always seem to never know when they are lol).

My favorite part of this class I think I would say is working with the ESL students on their college essays. It was fun working with a student you can have a real conversation with and I felt like I did a lot of good by helping them with their essays. I hope my students get into their first choice schools, both of them had some very big dreams. I hope that they can achieve them to the fullest extent.


  1. At first I felt the same way, that I too was not doing as well in this class but then I remembered that we have the majority influence over our grade. In my other classes my concerns are directed more towards the grade I receive on an assignment, however Professor Dolson allows us to determine our grade. Extra blog posts, blog post comments, class notes, class note comments, are among some of the simple things that we can do to help our grade. As I type I am calculating how many extra comments and posts I need to solidify an A. While not having definitive deadlines compels me to procrastinate, I love the amount of power I have in determining my grade.

  2. I feel the same way, Lisa! I'm used to boundaries...deadlines...and taking notes as opposed to verbalizing my thoughts as well. This class has surely taken me outside of my box and has been an adjustment for me. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling behind, especially this semester as I've been so swamped with other work that I've allowed myself to fall a little behind (as I had no deadlines).

    However, it's all about the adjustment!

  3. I agree with what all of you have said. I think the point of having flexible due dates is supposed to help us. I really appreciate the flexibility, but I do understand that at the same time you do feel like you aren't organized. My suggestion for next semesters class is to go through and make your due dates right away. Get things done early. With regards to blogging--set asides specific times to blog every week.
