Dec 5, 2010

Thesis Paper Suggestions

I don't know why I haven't thought about this before, blogging about writing my thesis paper, especially considering how I am continually writing, editing, and perfecting it since August. My paper is comparing Sophocles' play "Antigone" to Hawthorne's short story "Roger Malvin's Burial." Now most people I've talked to at Richmond have read or heard of "Antigone" but "Roger Malvin's Burial" is not as popular as Hawthorne's other works (such as "The Scarlet Letter"). I def suggest reading "Roger Malvin's Burial," its short (only about 12-15 pages and very deep) but now I'm digressing, back to what this blog is about...

Anyways some suggestions I have for future thesis paper writers that has helped me tremendously in this process:
1-select a professor that you have already had in class or have a connection with as your thesis adviser if possible. This will help with communication between you and for you to be able to openly discuss ideas
2-schedule meetings with your professor periodically to talk about your papers progress. I meet with my professor once a week and it really forces me to progress little by little so I have something to present at the next meeting to my professor
3-make mini-deadlines during your writing process, that way it won't be so overwhelming at the end. How I did it was every two weeks I turn in 5 pages for my professor to read and edit, that way there is less for me to do at the end.
4- (lastly) ASK FOR HELP FROM YOUR PROFESSOR!! Don't be shy, ask your professor for help if your stuck, THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE THERE FOR! They know this is your first time writing something of this magnitude so take advantage of their wisdom.

Hope this helps :)

1 comment:

  1. These are very helpful guideline for writing a thesis paper. Even though it will be about two years before I write a thesis paper myself, it is a good idea to be aware that I will most likely have to write one and understand that thesis papers may come up during consulting. I like the numbered list you have for this!
