Dec 1, 2010

2nd visit to the Boys & Girls Club

I have to admit I was hoping to get more out of these experiences working with the boys and girls club. At our last visit Long and I just pretty much sat around talking for lack of students to work with. We tried walking around to get involved with some other activites going on in the building or atleast to see the dynamics around the building but our efforts were in vain.

I know that these visits to the Boys and Girls Club were not what Prof. Dolson had invisioned, mostly because of the long conversation we had last time after going, but also because its evident that there are many political moves being made behind the scenes. I usually try not to get involved in politics but it seems to me that the original intent of this project--finding pearls of wisdom for the elderly in the community--has been lost; and with it has been our loss of time.

Hopefully in the future Prof. Dolson can work out some of the political kinks the 'higher-ups' have put in place. But for now I have to say that I feel that I did not gain any experience nor insight from working with the boys and girls club.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Emily. When I first heard about this project I was nervous that I wouldn't have enough knowledge to give to the kids to help them with their projects. I pictured eager students who knew more about this stuff than I did, not students who were barely even aware of the purpose of this project.
